No-one special ... just another monkey in front of a keyboard recording things I've been getting up to ...
August 31, 2009
After having been distinctly underwhelmed by Shinagawa, I decided to take a look around Osaki, the next stop, on the same day. My Tokyo road atlas suggested that there wasn't going to be a lot to see, so I guessed that visiting a second stop on the same day wasn't going to take up too much time.
One one side of the station there is an area given over to offices and hotels and an extensive residential area. One of the office complexes is called Art Village Osaki, in front of which you can see this gnome with a huge hat titled 'Growing Farmer'.
Immediately behind this is the Megurogawa flanked by offices and apartment blocks, but it makes for a nice peaceful walk after the busy main road in front of the station.
The other side of the station has the Think Park business complex next to which even more construction is taking place, and beyond that there seemed little of interest to tempt me on what was a stiflingly hot day.
Looking at the remaining stops on the line, I just know that it's going to get more interesting from here on.
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